| Sector | abcOther Electrical Products | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Telangana - India | Ref.No | 72239111 | Closing Date | 14 - Jun - 2024 | | | Supply of " Tee" Dia 75, Knee Dia 40, Knee Dia 50, Knee Dia 75 R, " Tee" Dia 60, Knee Dia 60, Fire Clay Sleeve Dia 75 X 300 Mm, Slag Trap1- 100 X 80 Mm, Slag Trap1- 75 X 65 Mm, Slag Trap2- 100 X 80 Mm, Slag Trap2- 75 X 65 Mm, Slag Trap3- 75 X 65 Mm, Slag Trap3- 100 X 80 Mm, Standard Bricks(hfi) 230mm X 115mm X 75mm, Refractory Ingate 50 X 20, L 200. Qty 12100 |
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