Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcMunicipal CorporationsTender ValueINR 89 Lakhs
LocationMadhya Pradesh - India Ref.No78600354
Closing Date31 - Dec - 2024
Supply of Construction Materials for Year 2024-25 at Municipal Council Narmadapuram Mp. (please Furnish the Rate with Gst - Floor Vitrifitd Tiles 600x600 Mm (with, Bolder 22.5-45mm, Aggregate 20 Mm (with Labour Rate, Aggregate 40 Mm (with Labour Rate, Aggregate 12 Mm (with Labour Rate, Aggregate 6 Mm (with Labour Rate, Moorum (with Labour Rate), Crusher Stone Dust (with Labour Rate, Aggregate 20 Mm (without Labour, Aggregate 40 Mm (without Labour S, Aggregate 12 Mm (without Labour M, Aggregate 6 Mm (without Labour Ra, Moorum (without Labour Rate), Crusher Stone Dust (with Labour Rate, Cement Grade 33 Opc, Cement Grade 43 Opc, Cement Grade 53 Opc, Reinforcement Fe 415 8 Mm Dia, Zeinforcement Fe 415 10 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 415 12 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 415 16 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 415 25 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 500 8 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 500 10 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 500 12 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 500 16 Mm Dia, Forcement Fe 500 25 Mm Dia, Nding Wire, En Window Ms with Febrication, En Door Ms with Febrication, En Sgril Ms with Febrication, N Ventilesion Ms with Febrication, Hollow Pipe (rectangular and Roun, Railing, Angle Section, Keep, Channel, Rolling Shutter, Brick Local (open Bhatta), Fly Ash Brick Compresive Strangth 75 Kg/cm Sq, Wall Tiles 300x450 Mm (with Fitting), Paving Block 60 Mm (with Supply) M30 Grade, 80 Mm (with Supply) M40 Grade, Paving Block 60 Mm (with Fitting) M30 Grade, 80 Mm (with Fitting) M40 Grade, Green Net, Mixer, Vibrater, Centering, Membrain, Expension Sheet, Plain Roller 10 Ton Capicity, Vibrater Roller 40 Capicity Ton, J.c.b., Marble, Granite, Stone City, Half Round 300 Mm, 450 Mm, Plywood 19 Mm, 12 Mm, Gi. Sheet, A.c. Sheet, Fiber Sheet, Profile Sheet (with Fitting), P.sheet, Earth Soil (without Labour Rate), Black Cotton/soil (without Labour Rate), Moclain Chain Mounting 200 Jcb Hithachi, Aluminium Section, Carpin Oil, Racter with Plough Leveler, Fall Sealing Pvc with Fitting, False Celling P.o.p with Fitting, False Celling Zipsum with Fitting, False Celling Ac Sheet with Fitting, Narmada Sand, Fine Sand, Bhasua (sand with Soil), Gsb (granular Sub Base), Crm, Table Glash5 Mm, 8 Mm, 12 Mm, 16 Mm, Centimeters, Carpet Pvc, Carpathian Drinks, Rcc Hume Pipe 300 Mm Np2, Rcc Hume Pipe 450 Mm Np3, Rcc Hume Pipe 600 Mm Np3, Rcc Hume Pipe 1000 Mm Np3, Sewer Pipe 150 Mm Dia, Sewer Pipe 300 Mm Dia, Polytsylone Water Storage Tank (with Fitting), Long Body Bib Cock 15mm Bore, Floor Tiles 800x800 Mm (with Fitting), G.i. Chain Link Fixing, G.1. Barbet Wire, Rcc Precast Pole, Hard Copra, 12 Mm Plaster, 15 Mm Plaster, White Washing with Lime, Colour Washing, Distempering with 1st Quality Acrylic Distemper, Deluxe Multi Surface Paint, Painting Wood Work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint, Painting Steel Work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint, Finishing Walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth Exterior Paint, Water Proofing Cement Paint, Cement Primer, Painting with Acid Proof Paint, Synthetic Enamel Paint, Floor Enamel Paint, White Washing with Lime with Labour, Colour Washing with Labour, Distempering with 1st Quality Acrylic Distemper with Labour, Deluxe Multi Surface Paint with Labour, Painting Wood Work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint with Labour, Painting Steel Work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint with Labour, Finishing Walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth Exterior Paint with Labour, Water Proofing Cement Paint with Labour, Cement Primer with Labour, Painting with Acid Proof Paint with Labour, Synthetic Enamel Paint with Labour, Floor Enamel Paintwith Labour with Labour, Art Painting Designing with Labour, Slogen Writing with Labour, Mild Steel Tree Guard of Dia 18 Inch Height 6 Ft Weight 6-7kg with Installing at Site, Rcc Precast Bench Without Arm, Size 1500 Mm Length with Installing at Site .
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