Product Detail :
Supply of Cement 43 Grade OPC packed in HDPE bag each 50 kg wt, Coarse S free from vegetation, Coarse aggregate 40mm graded, Coarse aggregate 20mm graded, Coarse Aggregate 40 to 63mm graded, Hard Core 63 to 90 mm, Stone for RR messonry less than 6 inch, Water Proofing Compound, Mild Steel Bars of size 6 to 8mm dia, Mild Steel Bars of size 10mm above dia, Mild Steel Bars of size 20 mm above dia, Mild Steel Bars of size 25 mm above dia, MS Binding wire 0 9mm dia, Bricks Sub class B, Bituminous Jount filling compund grade B, Cement based paint, Wooden plank for shuttering, Nails Various - Supply of constr mtrls 2090 2203 2107 Qty 3709
Tender Detail : |
Cement 43 Grade Opc Packed in ... |