Product Detail :
Supply of Materials for Grey Water Management works in Kalwad village of Navalgund Taluk of Dharwad dist under 2023-24 GWM Grant. - Broken stone-aggregate 40mm size, Portland Cement OPC 43Grade, Broken stone aggregate 20 mm size DOWN, Supply of broken stone aggregate 12mm downsize, Granite/trap broken metal 100 mm and down size, Coarse sand (zone lll), TMT Steel bars Fe 500, Binding wires, Gravel 2.36 mm/ Murrum, Casurine poles 100-150 mm, Brick bats 25 to 10 mm, Water proofing material, Granite metal 40 mm downsize, Granite metal 20 mm downsize, PVC pipe of 6kg/cum, 110mm, Stone Aggregate (single size)-40 mm nominal size, Stone Aggregate (single size)- 20 mm nominal size, RCC pipes NP2 900mm dia including collars, Supply of Jungle wood runners and planks, Supply of Jungle silver Oaks or Equivalent planks 38mm thick, Table moulded bricks of class designation 50 ( non modular ), C.I manhole cover with frame, PVC pipe of 4kg/cum, 160 mm, PVC pipe of 4kg/cum, 75 mm.