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16 Tenders

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Sector Power Plant Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 80794734
Closing Date 10 - Mar - 2025  |  19 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply & Delivery of Refractory for Unit#4 Overhauling for Kolaghat Thermal Power Station.
Sector Power Plant Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 81030787
Closing Date 10 - Mar - 2025  |  19 Days to go View Tender Details
Sector Stainless Steel Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 81010882
Closing Date 08 - Mar - 2025  |  17 Days to go View Tender Details

Sector Security Services Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 81004125
Closing Date 07 - Mar - 2025  |  16 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply of Calcium Hypochlorite Granules (65 - 70 %) (V2) (Q2), Modular Regulator type 2, Modular Switch 20A, Modular Motor Starter, Modular Switch 10A, XLPE Cable LT, Modular Bell Push Switch, Modular Switch 32A, Modular Socket 6A, Modular Socket 6A or 16A, Modular Regulator type 1, Piano Hinges, Cement PCC, Crushed Stone Aggregate, Supply S, PVS Shower Rose, PVC water tank, Gi tubing

Sector Security Services Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 80869303
Closing Date 04 - Mar - 2025  |  13 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply of Rigid non metallic PVC conduit of dia 20 mm exclusive of boxes junction terminal but inclusive of all tees, M L for earthing complete with MS galvanized plate of size 60cmx60cmx6mm as earth electrode, Taking down out unserviceable or serviceable UG Cables of any Cross Sectional Area Connections including Bricks, Excavating in Trenches not exc 1 50 mtr wide not exc 1 50 mtr in depth Taking Out Laying of Cables etc, Returning Filling in including Spreading Levelling Watering Well Ramming in Layers not exc 250mm in Soft Loose Soil, Removing excavated Materials Soils not exc 50 00 mtr depositing where directed at a level not exc 1 50 mtr above, M L S Cushioning dry in Trenches for protection of UG Cables below above around the UG Cable, M L for fly ash bricks locally available laid dry width wise across the line of cable in trenches for protection of UG cable, Supply laying for cable in trenches or passing through pipe XLPE insulated 25 sqmm 4 core, Supply laying for cable in trenches or passing through pipe XLPE insulated 10 sqmm 4 core, Re Laying Fixing or Passing through Pipe XLPE insulated Armoured Electric Power UG Cable Heavy Duty with Aluminium Conductor, S F 40 mm High density polyethylene pipe HDPE of pressure rating 6 kgf cm2 fixed complete to walls, S F Galvanised Iron Pipe 40mm Bore dia Light Grade for protection of UG Cable laid in Floors, Labour only for Horizontal Boring for Passing Protection Pipe up to 80mm Bore dia under Road Foot Path not exc 10 00 mtr, M L for PCC 1 2 4 type B1 using 20 mm graded aggregate as in coping for pole including form work finishing the surfaces, M L for PCC 1 3 6 type C2 using 40 mm graded aggregate as in foundation for pole etc, S F HDPE DWC Double Walled Corrugated of Diameter 25 mm including disconnection, M L for earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases, S F CRCA sheet steel duly phosphatized powder coated with 7 tank process wall pole mounted floor, Wrecking Crow Bar or Claw Bar as per IS 706 (Q3)
Sector Security Services Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 80869309
Closing Date 04 - Mar - 2025  |  13 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply of Taking down of light fittings of any type size model complete all as specified, Taking down of brackets of any type size model complete all as specified directed, M L in repair steel tubular swaged poles complete with cast iron base plate finial taper plug bolts nuts, M L in repair steel tubular swaged poles complete with cast iron base plate, Re fixing of LED street light fittings of any wattage outdoor type complete all as specified directed, Supply fixing in repair LED street light fitting 120 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type, Supply fixing in repair LED flood light 80 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with thermal management in multiple optics, Supply fixing in repair LED flood light 150 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with thermal management, S F Cable Junction Box 155X210X92 mm in size made out of thermoplastic aving IP 66 protection, Supply passing through steel tubler pole service connection 1100 volts grade multicore FR round insulated copper conductor, S F single arm bracket made of 40mm dia 1 0mtr long for security light with mounting MS clamp, S F in repair Rigid non metallic PVC conduit of dia 20 mm exclusive of boxes junction terminal, M L for earthing complete with MS galvanized plate of size 60cmx60cmx6mm as earth electrode buried directly in ground earth pit not less than 2 25 mtrs, Taking down out unserviceable or serviceable UG Cables of any Cross Sectional Area Connections including Bricks GI Pipe etc, Excavating in Trenches not exc 1 50 mtr wide not exc 1 50 mtr in depth Taking Out Laying of Cables etc, Returning Filling in including Spreading Levelling Watering Well Ramming in Layers not exc 250mm in Soft Loose Soil complete all as specified, Removing excavated Materials Soils not exc 50 00 mtr, M L S Cushioning dry in Trenches for protec tion of UG Cables, M L for fly ash bricks locally available laid dry width wise across the line of cable, Supply laying for cable in trenches or passing through pipe XLPE insulated heavy duty, Supply laying for cable in trenches or passing through pipe XLPE insulated 10 sqmm 4 core, Re Laying Fixing or Passing through Pipe XLPE insulated Armoured Electric Power UG Cable 10 Sqmm 2 Core to 25 Sqmm 4 Core, S F 40 mm High density polyethylene pipe HDPE of pressure rating 6 kgf cm2 fixed complete to walls, S F Galvanised Iron Pipe 40mm Bore dia Light Grade for protection of UG Cable laid in Floors, Labour only for Horizontal Boring for Passing Protection Pipe up to 80mm Bore, M L for PCC 1 2 4 type B1 using 20 mm graded aggregate, M L for PCC 1 3 6 type C2 using 40 mm graded aggregate as in foundation for pole etc complete, S F HDPE DWC Double Walled Corrugated of Diameter 25 mm including, M L for earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground, Crimping Tools (Q3)
Sector Security Services Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 80871774
Closing Date 04 - Mar - 2025  |  13 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply of Taking down of light fittings of any type size and model complete all as specified , Taking down of brackets of any type size and model complete all as specified , M and L in repair steel tubular swaged poles complete with cast iron base plate finial taper plug , M and L in repair steel tubular swaged poles complete with cast iron base plate, finial taper plug , Re fixing of LED street light fittings of any wattage outdoor type complete all as specified and directed. , S and F in repair LED street light fitting 120 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminum hosing , Supply and fixing in repair LED flood light 80 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with thermal management in multiple optics and equipped , S and F in repair LED flood light 150 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with thermal management in multiple optics and equipped , S and F Cable Junction Box 155X210X92 mm in size, made out of thermoplastic having IP 66 protection for outdoor installation fixed with 4 way , Supply and passing through steel tubler pole service connection 1100 volts grade multicore FR round insulated copper conductor , S and F single arm bracket made of 40mm dia 1.0mtr long for security light with mounting MS clamp , S and F in repair Rigid non metallic PVC conduit of dia 20 mm exclusive of boxes junction terminal but inclusive of all , M and L for earthing complete with MS galvanized plate of size 60cmx60cmx6mm as earth electrode buried directly in ground , Taking down out unservicable or servicable UG cable of any cross section area and connection etc. , Excavating in Trenches not exc. 1.50 mtr wide and not exc. 1.50 mtr in depth , Returning Filling in including Spreading, Levelling Watering and Well Ramming in Layers not exc. , Removing excavated Materials Soils not exc. 50.00 mtr and depositing where directed at a level not exc. , M and L Sand Cushioning dry in Trenches for protection of UG Cables below above and around the UG Cable , M and L for fly ash bricks locally available laid dry width wise across the line of cable in trenches for protection of UG cable , S and L for cable in trenches or passing through pipe, XLPE insulated 25 sqmm 4 core. , S and L for cable in trenches or passing through pipe, XLPE insulated, heavy duty, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured electric LT cable 10 sqmm 4 core. , Re laying fixing or passing through XLPE insulated armored electric power UG cable etc. , S and F 40 mm High density polyethylene pipe HDPE of pressure rating 6 kgf cm2 fixed complete to walls ceilings or in floors etc. complete all as specified and directed . , S and F Galvanised Iron Pipe 40mm Bore dia Light Grade for protection of UG Cable laid in Floors , Labour only for Horizontal Boring for Passing Protection Pipe up to 80mm Bore dia under Road Foot Path, not exc. 10.00 mtr , M and L for PCC 1.2.4 type B1 using 20 mm graded aggregate as in coping for pole including form work and finishing the surfaces , M and L for PCC 1.3.6 type C2 using 40 mm graded aggregate as in foundation for pole etc complete all as specified and as directed. , S and F HDPE DWC Double Walled Corrugated of Diameter 25 mm including disconnection and connection of cable. , M and L for earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn , Wrecking Crow Bar or Claw Bar as per IS 706 (Q3)
Qty : 7295

Sector Security Services Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 80871775
Closing Date 04 - Mar - 2025  |  13 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply of Taking down of light fittings of any type size and model complete all as specified , Taking down of brackets of any type size and model complete all as specified , M and L in repair steel tubular swaged poles complete with cast iron base plate finial taper plug bolts nuts and screws as specified , Re fixing of LED street light fittings of any wattage outdoor type complete all as specified and directed. , S and F in repair LED street light fitting 120 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminum hosing. , S and F in repair LED flood light 80 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with thermal management in multiple optics and equipped , S and F in repair LED flood light 150 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with thermal management in multiple optics and equipped with IP66 protection , S and F Cable Junction Box 155X210X92 mm in size made out of thermoplasti having IP 66 protection for outdoor installation fixed with 4 way bakelite cable terminals , Supply and passing through steel tubler pole service connection 1100 volts grade multicore FR round insulated copper conductor , S and F single arm bracket made of 40mm dia 1.0mtr long for security light with mounting MS clamp , S and F in repair Rigid non metallic PVC conduit of dia 20 mm exclusive of boxes junction terminal but inclusive of all tees bends elbows , M and L for earthing complete with MS galvanized plate of size 60cmx60cmx6mm as earth electrode buried directly in ground , Taking down out unserviceable or serviceable UG Cables of any Cross Sectional Area and Connections including Bricks , Excavating in Trenches not exc. 1.50 mtr wide and not exc. 1.50 mtr in depth Taking Out and Laying of Cables etc. , Returning Filling in including Spreading Levelling Watering and Well Ramming in Layers not exc. 250mm , Removing excavated Materials Soils not exc. 50.00 mtr and depositing where directed at a level not exc. 1.50 mtr above , M and L Sand Cushioning dry in Trenches for protection of UG Cables , M and L for fly ash bricks locally available laid dry width wise across the line of cable in trenches for protection of UG cable , S and L for cable in trenches or passing through pipe XLPE insulated wire armoured electric LT cable 25 sqmm 4 core. , S and L for cable in trenches or passing through pipe XLPE insulated heavy duty galvanised steel strip or wire armoured electric LT cable a 10 sqmm 4 core. , ReLaying Fixing or Passing through Pipe XLPE insulated Armoured Electric Power UG Cable Heavy Duty , S and F 40 mm High density polyethylene pipe HDPE of pressure rating 6 kgf cm2 fixed complete to walls ceilings or in floors etc. , S and F Galvanised Iron Pipe 40mm Bore dia Light Grade for protection of UG Cable laid in Floors , Labour only for Horizontal Boring for Passing Protection Pipe up to 80mm Bore dia , M and L for PCC 1.2.4 type B1 using 20 mm graded aggregate as in coping for pole including form work and finishing , M and L for PCC 1.3.6 type C2 using 40 mm graded aggregate as in foundation for pole etc complete all as specified and as directed. , S and F HDPE DWC Double Walled Corrugated of Diameter 25 mm including disconnection and connection of cable , M and L for earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground , Wrecking Crow Bar or Claw Bar as per IS 706 (Q3).
Qty : 7135

Sector Security Services Tenders Tender Value N.A.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 80824687
Closing Date 03 - Mar - 2025  |  12 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply of frass equipment including brick work

Sector Education And Research Institute Tenders Tender Value 7.99 Lakh approx.
Location West Bengal Tenders Ref.No 80521277
Closing Date 22 - Feb - 2025  |  3 Days to go View Tender Details
Supply of Portl Pozzolona Cement, River Bed Coarse S, Aggregate Coarse Aggregates, Bricks Fly Ash Bricks 230 x 110 x 70, TMT Bar 10 mm Dia, Mirror 450 x 600 mm, Door closer, SS Towel Rail 600 mm long, PTMT Soap Dish 450 x124x36, Synthetic Enamel Paint, Door Stopper, 25 mm slotted countersunk head wood screw 25x4, 30 mm slotted countersunk head wood screw 30x5, 35 mm slotted countersunk head wood screw 35x8, 50 mm slotted countersunk head wood screw 50x4, 75 mm slotted countersunk head wood screw 75x8, Tapping screw Length 13 mm, Tapping screw Length 19 mm, Tapping screw Length 25 mm, PVC Gitti PVC fastening Bullet 1point5 inch, MS Hasps staples safety type 90 mm long, MS Hasps staplessafety type 115 mm long, SS Door Handle 6, Barrel Tower Bolt 150 mm Long, Barrel Tower Bolt 100 mm Long, MS Butt Hinges 75 mm, MS Butt Hinges 100 mm, Window float glass 4 mm Thick, Window float glass 5 mm Thick, Putty, White cement, MS Oxidised sliding door bolt 300 x 16 mm, Oxidised MS casement stay straight peg type 300 mm long, Water proofing materials

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